Traveling and volunteering abroad can be a wonderful experience, no matter your age. If you have decided to join a volunteer opportunity abroad, it’s worth doing your research and preparing yourself for any surprises that may occur during your time abroad. Here are some interesting facts that you may not know about traveling abroad.

  1. You can volunteer at any age. While some organizations and programs are geared toward a specific age group or experience within a certain field, there are options available for your needs and wants.
  2. The top three locations to volunteer in 2018 are Thailand, India, and Peru.
  3. About 1.6 million people will volunteer abroad every year, according to a study conducted in 2008 by “Tourism and Research Marketing.”
  4. Africa is the most favored country to volunteer abroad according to a UC San Diego survey.
  5. Individuals that have volunteered are more likely to get hired for a job than those that do not have any volunteering experience.
  6. You can volunteer, even on a tight budget, if you are willing to give up some of your home comforts.
  7. The most common volunteer activities that are conducted include teaching, manual labor, and youth mentorship.
  8. In addition to making a difference, people volunteer to experience travel, cultural immersion, professional development, and overall personal growth.
  9. Most of the individuals that volunteer abroad are recently graduated or employed.
  10. Individuals that have children under the age of 18 are more likely to volunteer abroad than those that would individually or with their friends.

For whatever reason you are interested in volunteering abroad, it will be an unforgettable experience that will leave a lifelong impression on you. Not only are you helping people, but you will see and learn so many things that you can, in turn, apply to your everyday life at home. You may even be able to influence people at home and encourage them to broaden their horizons and do some volunteering of their own.